Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The beach and white people

After being in Spain for about 8 months, I decided it was time to take a trip to the beach. Mom drove while I navigated, and I managed to survive the experience unscathed... physically, not mentally.

Our rental.

Being the Aryan prince/day walker that I am, I lathered myself in the strongest sunscreen available in this country of bronze gods/goddesses and still managed to burn my oh so fair skin.

I ate some fresh grilled fish on the beach.

Then we went to the only hotel in town and got a room with a view.

I then went exploring for equally lost souls in our hotel and found that no one under 70 was to be found. Even with a little added color to my complexion, it is still recommended to wear eye protection when staring directly at me.

All the old people made me anxious, so I drank some Manhattans.

The end.

1 comment:

James said...

There seems to be a fleet of underwater space ships retreating in the ocean behind you, what the hell are they?? perhaps they just dropped off a load of their own disguised as old people...

Are you going to take me to this beach place when i come? We will sho those old peeps how to partay. It looks bomb minus the old people and space ships and Manhattans and lack of tans...

I like the theme you are beginning to repeat: pictures of you taking big bites out of strangely friend dead animals.