Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bridging The Gap: Mexico/Spain

As time dragged on in Spain at a sufficiently accelerated pace, I was strangely reminiscent of California, but it was not until Wednesday night that I realized what it was that always brought my thoughts back: Mexican food.

Jen/Natasha, in a stroke of unparalleled genius decided to put on a Mexican themed dinner party.

Action shot in the kitchen.

Smoking inside, how Spanish.

The table is set.

Jen/Natasha, the architects of the dinner, complete with fargaritas(fake margaritas).

Charline et moi.

Me, creeping on Charline.

Post dinner, feeling bloated like one normally does after a feast of Mexican cuisine, we decided to slim down, the French way; with crepes and a chocolate tart.

Bringing Mexico back to Spain proved to be an infinitely greater success than bringing Spain to Mexico ever was.

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